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Relational Transactional Analysis
Psychotherapy and Relational Transactional Analysis


The therapy work with you will be confidential and a collaborative process. I will not be giving you advice, but I can help you talk about your feelings, and thoughts, and interpret your choices and patterns of behaviour, and I will equip you with some skills to help you deal with negative thoughts and feelings, so that you can make changes and move forward in your life. 


I see therapy as a journey of self-awareness. There are many different successful therapeutic approaches, and my approach draws heavily from Relational Transactional Analysis.


Transactional analysis is a talking therapy and sessions are designed to explore an individual's personality and how this has been shaped by experience - particularly those stemming from childhood. This is achieved through skilful questioning and the utilisation of various models, techniques and tools. Sessions can be carried out in the form of one-on-one counselling, or with families, couples or groups. 

The atmosphere that supports transactional analysis is non-judgemental, secure and respectful, ensuring that a positive relationship is forged between the therapist and client(s) in order to provide a model for subsequent relationships and communication that are developed outside of therapy. 

In this setting the therapist works collaboratively with the individual to identify what has gone wrong in their communication and provide opportunities for them to change repetitive patterns that limit their potential. TA therapists recognise that we all have the potential to live the life we want, rather than the life we are programmed to live. Sometimes however this potential is hindered by repetitive patterns or 'unconscious scripts' that stem from childhood decisions and teachings.

What to expect from therapy
What to expect from Therapy

One of the key objectives of psychotherapy is to help you gain a better understanding of the issues that are troubling you. It can help you work out new ways of approaching situations that you find difficult, as well as suggesting new methods to help you cope. Developing a trusting relationship with your psychotherapist is very important and will help you be able to talk about long-standing problems. However, this can take time.

Depending on the type of psychotherapy you have and the reason you're having it, your treatment may need to last several months or, in some cases, years.

Useful resources
Useful resources

Below is a list of some organisations and charities in West London that provide counselling services:


The Samaritans  •  0845 790 9090

24-hour support in crisis


Ealing Abbey Counselling Service  •  020 8998 3361

Ealing, London W5


Hammersmith & Fulham MIND  •  020 7471 0580

309 Lillie Road, Fulham, London SW6


Back on Track  •  0300 123 1156

(IAPT – Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies)


24-Hour Mental Health Support Line  •  0300 123 4244

Information, advice and support for patients and families



National Domestic Violence Freephone  •  0808 200 0247


CDAS (Community Drug and Alcohol Service)  •  020 7381 7766

Crowther Market, Fulham SW6


 FreshStart Psychotherapy  •  020 7691 7638

Little Venice, London W2


Help Counselling  •  020 7221 9974

Notting Hill Gate, London W11


Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy (CCPE)  •  020 7266 3006

Little Venice, London W2

Contact me

Contact Me

I practice in Ealing in W5 2XP, which is easily accessible from Ealing broadway station. If you want to book a session or have a query please get in touch with me by filling the form below or sending me an email message, I look forward to hearing from you.  

Delilah Zabaneh

© 2025 Delta Counselling and Psychotherapy

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